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(Last Update on 13 October 2020)


News Update: Sep 30, 2020

Video: China said they have “re-educated” 7.8 million Uyghurs in 2014-2019. In reality they were detained but not released, instead disappeared into vast networks of jails/camps/forced-labor factories. Some may wonder now who walk on streets in Uyghur society, & this video shows an example for that.


Video: China’s industrial waste water is flowing into a sea directly. Location is not known.  As far as I know, there is no any environmental regulation on both state-owned and private companies in China.


Photo: Job offering ad: “Xinjiang Prison Administration Bureau” hires 300+ staff.  Can be from anywhere (means from Uyghurland or Han provinces), hires both males & females; only requires vocational school level of education. Uyghurs to Han provinces, & Hans to prison administration in Uyghurland.


Dear @michaeljohns, thank you very much for your detailed & valuable comments about China and its communist rulers. Unfortunately, it is very hard to find people among the high-level CCP officials who can act with reasonable human decency. So I am very grateful for your effort, but at the same time I worry that your valuable time is completely wasted. Chinese rulers have now reached to an unfortunate level that any and all words do not yield any fruits no matter from where such words come from.



News Update: Sep 29, 2020

Video: Shipping young Uyghurs to forced-labor factories in Han provinces. China planned to ship 4 million 16 – 40 years old Uyghurs to Han provinces like this in 2020 alone. If the operation continues in this pace for 2 more years, all the Uyghurs in Uyghurland will be completely depleted, as CCP said there are 12.7 million Uyghurs in Uyghurland now.


News Update: Sep 27, 2020

"While UN reforms may take some time, it imperative for the world body not only to send a team to suggest ways to protect the Uyghur Muslims but also to remove China from the permanent membership of the UNSC. "

I believe this is the only effective way to save those peoples: "Alongside, the areas like Uyghurs, Tibet and Inner Mongolia should be placed under the protection of UN by reviving the UN Trusteeship Council for this unprecedented situation created by an aggressive country. "


News Update: Sep 26, 2020

BREAKING (came yesterday): China is demolishing all the single-family, traditional Uyghur homes in Qazanchi, Baykol & Uchderwaz townships in Ili District (Uyghurland). Yet, Xitler said today that the govern’t has moved 10+ million people to “new homes”. Almost all of those 10+ million are Uyghurs. 1/n

The Uyghur homes being demolished are similar to those in the above video, but the videos came to me earlier this year. The source ( says this:

From 2014 to 2019, the per capita disposable income of Xinjiang residents grew at an average annual rate of 9.1%. More than 1.69 million rural housing projects and more than 1.56 million urban affordable housing projects were completed, and more than 10 million people moved to new homes.

2014年 至2019年,新疆居民人均可支配 收入年均增9.1%。 建成农村安居工程169万余套、城镇保障性安居工程156万余套,1000多 万群众喜迁新居。


Xitler spoke today in a central government’s “Xinjiang Affairs Meeting”, and said China will continue all of its policies currently in place in Uyghurland:

Excerpt of Xitler’s speech given today, 26 Sep 2020 (Google translation):

Practice has proved that the party's strategy of governing Xinjiang in the new era is completely correct and must be adhered to for a long time. The whole party must take the implementation of the party's strategy of governing Xinjiang in the new era as a political task, and work hard to implement it completely and accurately to ensure that Xinjiang work always maintains the correct political direction.

实 践证明,新时代党的治疆方略完全正确,必须长期坚持。全党要把贯彻新时代党的治疆方略作为一项政治任务,在完整准确贯彻上下功夫,确 保新疆工作始终保持正确政治方向。



Video: Some of the cheap products most countries are buying from China are made by the Uyghur slaves like in this video. In some sense, right now the whole world is living in a system of slavery, benefitting from the Uyghur slaves.


News Update: Sep 25, 2020

Xinjiang Government’s Advertisement:

Do you need Uyghur workers? There are may strong men and beautiful women to choose from.

Can choose the people yourself. Numbers can range from 1,000 to 50,000, ages 16 to 40, can have female only workers also.

BREAKING: Ads on Uyghur slaves from companies representing Xinjiang Government. You can find such ads from Chinese websites. I can provide more contents to legitimate persons if desired. If such operations continue, what will be left in Uyghurland?

BREAKING: This is part of the ad from the same agency representing Xinjiang government. It says: Xinjiang Government has planned to export 4+ million people in 2020; the minimum number of the Uyghur “workers” companies in Han provinces can take is 1000, for Kazakh “workers” it is 500. 


News Update: Sep 24, 2020

Video: An example of the fate of Uyghur musicians who have been spared from jails/concentration camps/total destruction. He is playing an Uyghur music called “Rawab”. I played this instrument in 1976 – 1977 as the leader of a youth musical team when I was forced to take “re-education” working in an Uyghur farm that had no electricity.

 Video: An Uyghur girl is training herself/practicing an Uyghur sport called "dawaz". There used to be many young & adult Uyghurs of this sport before 2017, & some of them well known in China & also internationally. Don't know what happened to them now.


Video: Right now the only available way for an Uyghur girl to get married, has children and live a “Chinese-style normal life” is to marry a Han Chinese. Here the Uyghur girl married a Han policeman. When the government of a colonizer take your girls like this, & you just watch not being able to do anything, how you feel? That is what all Uyghurs feel now.

Uyghur couples in jails/prisons have no wife-husband lives, same is true in concentration camps & forced-labor factories. All Uyghur women have been sterilized. If someone is found pregnant with the 3rd child, she & her husband both go to concentration camps. Thus, almost no more new Uyghurs are born.


News Update: Sep 23, 2020

Video: A parentless & homeless Uyghur kid in Uyghurland. Both parents of many Uyghur children were taken to jails/concentration camps/factories, leaving small children homeless & parentless, like this girl.

I think this is the same girl as above:


Video: Chinese government has depleted most of the Uyghurs in Hotan Prefecture by sending them to jails/camps/factories & some other places as slave-laborers/day-workers, & is bring in Han Chinese from Han provinces. These are new comers just arrived.


Video: The fate of the Uyghurs currently not in jails/camps/Han provinces. The government is sending these Uyghurs to work as slave-laborers/day-workers collecting cottons far from home in Uyghurland.


Video: In 2014, CCP’s evil leader Xi Jinping decided to kill 1/3 & lock up 1/3 of the Uyghur population & bring the remaining people to the level of the “Middle Ages”. Some of these scenes show you what the “level of Middle Ages” is, & and some of them are the scenes of the modern day slavery in Uyghurland.


Retired Army Colonel Wilkerson said there are 20 million Uyghurs in Uyghurland. China said nearly 8 million Uyghurs were locked up in 2014 – 2019. CCP leader Xi decided to kill 1/3 & lock up 1/3 of the Uyghur population, or ~14 million Uyghurs. CCP needs more concentration camps to realize that plan.



News Update: Sep 22, 2020 (Prepared by Erkin Sidick)

CCP regime made this plan and started to execute it right after coming to power in 1949, & as a result has wiped out all 55 “minority races” except mainly the Uyghurs, the Tibetans & the Mongols. But only now it started to show its true face—mainly because it has been getting away with all kinds of evils/crimes against humanity.


Following article published in 2008, & says: During previous 30+ years the government had stopped the births of 3.7 million babies in Uyghurland with the execution of the government’s birth-control policy:


BREAKING (just came): A small number of Uyghur detainees got released from concentration camps in Ili City (northern Uyghurland), mostly 50+ years old males. After coming home, some didn’t recognize relatives/friends, some cannot walk on their own without a support, such as a wall. In camps, they got one meal in a day, such as popcorns.

I was told that concentration camp guards let some Uyghur detainees go home only if they had determined that the detainees can live at most for another 2 months; most released detainees died within 2 months; almost no healthy detainees have been released from concentration camps, or no single camp has been closed since 2017.


Video: Chinese government separated 500,000+ Uyghur kids from parents & put them in CCP-run children detention centers. I think this is one of such centers. The goal is to convert these kids to Han Chinese by human engineering.


News Update: Sep 21, 2020 (Prepared by Erkin Sidick)

This reported dated 9 Mar 2012 says: The government prevented the births of 300,000 babies in Hotan Prefecture (Uyghurland). Do you know how they did it: Find all the pregnant Uyghur women & kill the babies based on the quota assigned by government to each village. 95%+ population in Hotan were Uyghurs then.

Google Translation: March 09, 2012 Source: China Economic Net

     China Economic Net, Beijing, March 9th, National People’s Congress, deputy chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region CPPCC, deputy secretary of the Hetian Prefectural Committee, and administrative commissioner Juaiti Yiming, who was a guest on the "Chinese Economic Interview Special Program-2012 Focus on the Two Sessions", said: According to the number and speed of births in the past, Hotan has lost nearly 300,000 births since the implementation of family planning. Farmer families voluntarily give up one child, they can illuminate honor certificates, family planning certificates and preferential treatment certificates. At the same time, they can also give a one-time reward of 3,000 yuan. From the second year on For life.

20120309 来源:中国经济网  

    中国经济网北京39  全国人大代表,新疆维吾尔自治区政协副主席、和田地委副书记、行署专员巨艾提-伊明做客《中经访谈特别节目——2012聚焦两会》时表示,和田按照过去生育的数量和速度来看,实行计划生育以后已经少生了将近30万人口。农民家庭自觉自愿放弃一胎,可以发光荣证、计划生育证和优待证,同时还可以给一次性奖励3000元,从第二年开始给夫妻俩每个人各发放100元的生活补贴,一直发到终生为止。

Here is the web link of the report. I have been saying China murdered/forced to die 1+ million Uyghurs since 2017—I didn’t include those babies who were killed while still in the mothers’ wombs. Someone in Uyghurland told me several days ago that almost no Uyghurs have been born since 2017. No proofs/evidences come from the CCP regime. One has to go to the Uyghurland & unearth this kind of truths about Uyghur genocide.

If any international organization digs deep the problem of forced abortion operations that have been going on in Uyghurland for decades, they will find cruel, inhuman, barbaric acts carried out by the Chinese government. Many mothers died after the operation because no money for medical care afterwards & government let them die on their own also.


BREAKING: After the flag-raising ceremony Monday, Sep 21, the Uyghurs in all villages/townships in Hotan were told that the government will pick 50 – 80 people from each village/township & send them to Han provinces as factory workers. Those who resist the order will be severely punished as “criminals acting against the government”. This means we will see more Uyghurs are being shipped to Han provinces as slave-labor workers. As is seen, the international pressures mounted so far against the CCP regime have had zero impact.


BREAKING: A secret meeting was held last Sunday (Sep 20) for government officials in “Southern Xinjiang”, in which the following announcement was made: “Educating” all the Uyghurs in “special schools” is a 10 year plan & it is going faster than originally planned. (Video: Uyghurs not in concentration camsp). The informant thinks there are 22 million Uyghurs in Uyghurland, 9 million of them have been & still are in concentration camps for 2 – 5 years, & the remaining 13 million Uyghurs will go to concentration camps in the future.


News Update: Sep 20, 2020

This video reminded me an event took place in Aksu City (Uyghurland) ~10 days ago: An Uyghur lady had 3 kids (husband might be in a camp). Recently local authorities fined her 65K RMB (~$9,300). Last week local officials came to her house & told her: Pay the fine within a week or they will be kicked out from their home.

Just give you a prospective: In 2018 the slave-laborer Uyghurs were forced to sign contracts to earn 800 RMB/month, in Jan 2019 the salary was increased to 1,200 RMB/month, & in Aug 2019 to 1,800 RMB/month. There are large number of Uyghurs who don’t have fixed income & survive only with minimal government aids, sth like 500 RMB/month.

But the Chinese government is inviting/mobilizing Han Chinese to come to Uyghurland with very generous benefits. I saw some invitation ads which says the Han immigrants get 10,000+ RMB/month if hold a bachelor degree. Some Uyghur university professors “graduated” from a camp & “got a job” in factories making ~1,000 RMB/month.


News Update: Sep 19, 2020

China Started Urgent Campaign to Ready the Uyghurs in Camps/Outside to Deceive the International Observers

Last week, China said it is OK for EU diplomats to visit Uyghurland or so-called “Xinjiang” (Sep 15); UN human rights chief said she was discussing a possible visit to Uyghurland (Sep 14); UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee launched an inquiry into the detention camps in Uyghurland (Sep 16). It has been only 5 days for the above events, yet the CCP authorities have already started political training to the Uyghur detainees in some concentration camps as well as all the Uyghurs spared so far.

·         In some concentration camps, the authorities started special training to the Uyghurs detainees: Distributed possible 100 questions that Chinese government inspectors may ask and their answers to memorize.

·         Distributed tens of questions that foreign reporters/inspectors may ask, and their answers to memorize.

·         Detainees were told that if anyone answers a question in his/her own, without using the memorized script, all members of his/her extended families who have not been jailed/detained will be arrested and put in jails.

·         Local officials visited all the Uyghur families one by one, and told them to say the following to inspectors from Beijing or from foreign countries if asked “Why there are so few people here? What has happened to the others?”:

o   No one from our family went to school

o   My parents run a restaurant with my grandparents in another place

o   My brothers and sisters all went to Urumchi and to Han provinces to work and make money

o   Our children do business in other places and send us money

o   Most people in our township do businesses in other places, so they don’t stay home that much within a year.

·         Local officials who were tasked to train the Uyghur residents as above have been told that they will receive severe punishment if they fail to do this perfectly. They were told to take exams from the Uyghur residents. If any Uyghur fails the exam once, part of his/her monthly salary will be taken away, something like 800 Yuan RMB. If a person fails the exam 4 times, he/she will lose a whole month’s salary.

More info on this subject in Chinese (1):

More info on this subject in Chinese (2):

You might have seen some videos that describe the inside scenes of some concentration camps taken when certain foreign delegations visited several camps last. The “students” dancing in those videos are the students of Xinjiang Art Univ, those playing basketballs inside a camps all members of some police force in Urumchi. The government originally tried to select some Uyghur detainees and train them, but they failed: The detainees all had been destroyed both mentally & physically. So the government replaced them lateral with the students & police staff.

UK Parliament Committee launches new inquiry on Xinjiang Detention Camps

__Inquiry: Xinjiang detention camps

__Foreign Affairs Committee



News Update: Sep 18, 2020

BREAKING (Just came): In some concentration camps in Uyghurland, the authorities started special training to the Uyghurs detainees: Possible 100 questions that Chinese govern’t inspectors may ask & how to answer them; 10s of questions that foreign reporters/inspectors may ask, & how to answer them. Getting ready to cheat on UN/EU inspectors.

The detainees were threatened like this: If you answer any questions not as taught but by yourself, you commit a crime of exposing national secret & all of your relatives not in jails/camps will be put in jails.

The CCP rulers is a different world. Only the word “extremely evil” can accurately describe them. Without fully understanding that the international community will fail to deal with them.



News Update: Sep 17, 2020

Video: Uyghur farmers’ crops are being destroyed before becoming ready to harvest in Uyghurland (East Turkestan). Couldn’t understand the reason except the Chinese rulers’ tactic (photo) to rule people that has been tested for 2,000+ years.

During the 2nd lockdown started Jul 16, authorities confiscated the expensive belongings of the most rich Uyghurs in Urumchi, saying those belongings “can spread the new virus”. Some confiscated rugs originally cost 50K RMB (~$7,000) or more. Monetary wealth of all rich Uyghurs was also confiscated after 2017. Thus the most rich Uyghurs have been converted to very poor ones.


Video: With the voice of sending UN observers to Uyghurland sounding louder, China is on the move to deceive the international community by staging some fake scenes, as in this video. All the Uyghur language books were taken down from book shelves in libraries/bookstores & burned.

Privately owned books got the same fate. But now comes this. Fabricated/staged fake scenes like this one may increase tremendously in Uyghurland from now on in preparation to deceive the UN observer team in near future. Unless the UN comes tough, their intended new step will end in vain, as everything else that the international community tried thus far.


I learned from the people on the ground in Uyghurland that ~million Uyghurs were detained by the end of 2017, & ~9 million by the end of 2019. So I have been saying “6+ million Uyghurs have been put in jails/camps/factories”. The following data are consistent with what I have been claiming:

2/ I was informed 2 days ago by someone on the ground in Uyghurland that no single concentration camp has been closed; almost no people have been released from jails/camps/factories; contrary, authorities are arresting new Uyghurs & putting them in jails/concentration camps/slave-labor factories.

I forgot to mention that the ~9 million Uyghurs put in “jails/camps/factories” also include 1+ million Uyghurs killed/died & 1+ Uyghurs transported to Han provinces & dispersed since 2017. Those people who are waiting for the current crises to end & get solid proofs will get disappointed: China has destroyed/destroy the evidences completely.



News Update: Sep 16, 2020

Just learned: In many places in Uyghurland, the authorities are forcing Uyghur farmers to do “political studies” during the days & work during the nights, putting on headlights similar to those used by coal miners. It is not clear what kind of evil intention the CCP has in such arrangement—Let them die faster, maybe?


Video: Mandatory beer-drinking contest organized for the Uyghurs by the local authorities in Aksu Prefecture, Uyghurland. It is a process to force the Uyghurs to give up the religious belief & become non-religious people.


Through 70+ years of brainwashing, the CCP has created a large special class of Han people for whom only the many matters,


Video: A parentless & homeless Uyghur kid in Uyghurland. I heard this story: When a young Uyghur couple were arrested on a street & taken to a concentration camp, their 2 kids, 2 and 4 years old, were left on the street.


Video: Mandatory beer-drinking contest organized for the Uyghurs by the local authorities in Aksu Prefecture, Uyghurland. It is a process to convert the Uyghurs spared from jails/concentration camps/slave-labor factories to Godless people, just like Xi Jinping’s Han people.


News Update: Sep 15, 2020

Video: “Alcohol Drinking Training Base” in Korla, Uyghurland. Door note says: “Free rice food Polo (Pilaf, Pilau) for 70 year old or older person”. Seems authorities not only forcing Uyghurs to drink alcohol, they are even training the Uyghurs how to drink it.


News Update: Sep 14, 2020

Thank you very much, congressman Jim McGovern @RepMcGovern for protecting the justice and the humanity, for standing up for the powerless and the weak like the Uyghurs. I cannot express my gratitude to you and those like you with words.



Video: CCP authorities are forcefully moving the Uyghurs in Hotan to somewhere else. Most Uyghurs shown here are those spared from prisons/concentration camps. This is part of the CCP tactics to eliminate the cultural roots & erase the historical memories of the Uyghurs by forceful dispossession (losing land/properties) & dislocation.


Dear Margaret Kimberley @freedomrideblog, I think you accept facts & believe in science, right? What kind of facts you need on “concentration camps”? Could you please Google the phrase “images of concentration camps in Xinjiang” & click the first link? What you think about what you see?

2/n These are what I found. Please let me know what kind of proofs/evidences you need. I hope you don't have any kind of relationship with the Chinese government:



News Update: Sep 12, 2020

Video: What the retired Army Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson said on the Uyghurs & East Turkestan. Since 2018, I mentioned 2 things among others in my lectures on Uyghurs: 1) Pre-2017 Uyghur population was 18+ million. 2) There are 6 main reasons for China to eradicate the Uyghurs & do so now, & 2nd of them is: China speculated that If China-US starts a war, US can easily arm 0.3 – 0.5 million Uyghurs to fight with US against China. What Colonel Wilkerson said in this video is consistent with what I have been saying.

China keeps all real numbers secret, & make up, fabricate or decide the numbers used in both domestic & international propaganda. China has kept changing the number of the Uyghur population during the 70+ years, & on Sep 2 said it is 12.71 million now. Please don’t trust China on numbers. China’s is a lie when it comes to numbers such as the Uyghur population, but I trust the US government. Colonel Wilkerson says here that Uyghur population was 20 million.


News Update: Sep 11, 2020

Today all Americans are remembering 9/11, & all Uyghurs are looking for a light at the end of CCP created hell-like tunnel. China’s genocide against the Uyghurs started on 9/11, & intensified in an extreme degree since 2017. 1+ million Uyghurs were killed, & 5+ million more are still being killed/detained/transported, & the remaining are being converted to Hans.


News Update: Sep 9, 2020

New info from Uyghurland from an Uyghur released from a camp: Tortures used to concentration camp detainees in Uyghurland include snake biting, nail pulling, teeth pulling, nail inserting.

This is part of the reason for my claim: The prisons/concentration camps/factories currently holding 6+ million Uyghurs were designed to keep the Uyghurs alive; instead, they designed to kill the Uyghurs as much as possible & as fast as possible in a mass but distributed way.


Video (English subtitle): Had a kidney transplant  in Beijing Armed Police Hospital last Nov, cost 400K RMB (~$57K), waited only 1 week to get it; plenty of supply last year. Just come here & military will take care of it. Could deliver 2-3 kidneys in a day.

CCP regime transported 1+ million Uyghur detainees from Uyghurland to Han provinces & dispersed since 2017. Part of those Uyghurs have been used as an “Halal organ” bank by Chinese military. This video is only one of the 100s hospitals in China engaged in Uyghur living organ sales—Explains why one needs to wait only 1 week.


News Update: Sep 9, 2020

Video: Uyghur homeland, Uyghur streets & Uyghur squares, but Han Chinese people dressed up with the Uyghur dresses. This is present day East Turkestan; this is what you see if you visit Uyghurland: Most Uyghurs in cities have been cleaned up, & replaced with Hans.


Video: Most young Uyghurs are now in jails/camps/slave-labor factories, or they have been murdered, so old Uyghurs have to take care of the crops in farmlands.


Video: Government advertisement inviting Han people to immigrate to Uyghurland. CCP has achieved its goal to get rid of about half of the Uyghur population, & is filling the empty lands with Han people with generous incentives, including free-housing.

Video: Continuation of the 1st. These are the houses provided to Han immigrants without cost as one of the many incentives in a package. China needed the lands & the natural resources of the Uyghurland, but not the Uyghur people. That is why Uyghurs are being eradicated.


Video: Another version of the slave-laborer Uyghurs’ sleeping place. Can be considered as an example of the modern days slavery conditions. Place/time are not known.

Video: New batches of Uyghurs slaves being sent to somewhere. As compared to those transported to Han provinces in March 2020, these batches look like much older. Maybe CCP ran out of younger Uyghurs. In March, CCP transported 100,000+ Uyghurs to Han provinces.


One of the reasons why CCP decided to eradicate the Uyghurs & do so now is, they thought if China starts a war with the US or other nations, the Uyghurs in Uyghurland will fight in alliance with others against China. Now the “Uyghur threat” has gone, CCP is starting some of their original plans.


Just got: Recently the local authorities in “Xinjiang” University of Arts (新疆艺术大学) found that some Uyghur students visited Facebook & Twitter by climbing over the China’s wall. As a result, they arrested about 15 students and started mandatory “political studies” to all other “minority” students in that university.


News Update: Sep 7, 2020

Salam Dr. @YasirQadhi, sister Fatimah’s father just died in a concentration camp in Uyghurland. I learned from an officer of Chinese National Security Police thru an informant that 9+ million Uyghurs had been locked up/killed by the end of 2019, & 1+ million of them were tortured to death by the police because they didn’t accept their “crimes” assigned by the government before going to concentration camps.


Thank you, Dr. @YasirQadhi! I estimate 1+ million Uyghurs were moved to Han provinces & dispersed for “the prisoners’ real crime is their religious belief”. They use used for “halal organ” harvesting, bio-weapon experimentation & distributed mass killing—Pls see the next 2 refs.


IMPORTANT: One of my friends specialized in a relevant field has found 209 prisons, 182 camps & 66 bingtuan labor camps in Uyghurland, with a total capacity of 3+ million captives. Dr. @adrianzenz found authorities “have detained up to 1.8 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in as many as 1,300 to 1,400 internment camps”. The following reference might be useful to other researchers.


News Update: Sep 6, 2020

How Many Uyghurs Have been Moved to Han Provinces and Dispersed? (6 Sep 2020)

Based on the information provided by 4 references at the end of this post, such as “In total, tens of thousands of prison personnel studied the control tactics of Xinjiang police”, I estimate that 1+ million Uyghurs have been transported to Han provinces, including Gansu, and dispersed. Here are some highlights of those 4 references:

·         New Tang Dynasty TV station reported on July 17th, 2017 that the Chinese government was building an enormous prison located at the vast Gobi desert where East Turkestan borders with Gansu and showed the specific dimensions of the prison, which is 17 km long from east to west and 9.5 km wide from north to south. The facility has a capacity to hold up to 1 million prisoners and was built in a deep desert, making it impossible for anyone to escape [1-2].

·         At present, sources have reported that Shaanxi Province in central China was issued a quota of about 25,000 people. An estimated 500,000 Uyghur Muslims will be dispersed and detained throughout China. [3]

·         Insiders report that officials are taking extreme steps to cover up their movement of prisoners.  [3]

·         The Uyghur detainees likely have no idea where they are being held, and their relatives face an even greater challenge to find out where their loved ones have been transferred. [3]

·         These prisoners are completely isolated from the outside world, and it is impossible for the public to know what is happening in the prison. If everyone inside the prison died, no one would know. [4]

·         At the camps, guards are trained how to “remake” or “fix” Uyghurs for Chinese society. [4]

·         In total, tens of thousands of prison personnel studied the control tactics of Xinjiang police. [4]






Since @cjwerleman’s article published, many researchers have contacted me for some additional information. I hope this thread gives them some additional clues.

Got this from an informant in China: Govn’t moved 100,000+ Uyghurs as slave-laborers to Han provinces in Mar 2020. The operation was carried out for 15-20 days, moving the Uyghurs in dedicated airplanes, perhaps up to 30 flights a day.



Following news piece says China successfully replaced the heart of a 3-month old child with the heart of another 3-month old child. The people who truly understand China’s organ harvesting businesses know what that means to the 500,000+ Uyghur children put in children detention centers since 2017:

Yes, 500,000+ Uyghur children were separated from their parents & put in party-run children detention centers. The parents of part of those children were put in prisons/camps/forced-labor factories. Pls read this report:

This article says after the outbreak of #CCPvirus in Wuhan, doctors carried out lung transplants on some patients infected with the virus. What does that mean to the 6 – 9 million Uyghurs in CCP’s captivity? Is there another country in the world where doctors can find living organs at any time for those in need?

= ==================



Shenzhen baby Xiaobo (pseudonym) suffers from dilated cardiomyopathy and onset at the age of 3 months. He faces the threat of a 5-year survival rate of only 50% and a 10-year survival rate of only 25%. On March 1, when he was less than 1 year old, he could not hold on any longer. Fortunately, he waited for a donor at the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital to receive a 3-year-old child's heart and regained his life.

This is also the youngest and lightest heart transplant case in South China so far.

(Prepared by Erkin Sidick)

 China sends 500,000 Uyghur children to 'detention camps'



BREAKING (just got): Second lockdown in Uyghurland (Jul 16 – Sep 1) is not related to #CCPvirus; it is part of CCP’s evil plan to further destroy/kill Uyghurs. “Patient 0” in CCP’s narrative is fake. Lockdown lifted in Urumchi on Sep 1, but not in Tianshan/Saybagh districts, whose 99% residents are Uyghurs. Government put in place a program since July to give monetary reward to doctors who discovered #CCPvirus patients. Given below is part of a document I just got from someone in China thru a middle man and its Google translation:

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On January 23, 2020, after Wuhan announced the closure of the city, three months later, the city of Wuhan took a hard-core operation to carry out a large-scale new coronavirus nucleic acid test for all the 11 million people in the city and screen everyone Only do one nucleic acid test. The daily monitoring volume is 1 million, and the 10-day deadline is all tested. 300 asymptomatic infections were detected. The source of the virus is explained by science.

From the evening of July 16, 2020, the whole city of Urumqi began to be closed, and the doors could not be exited. On September 1st, the news stated that all Xinjiang began to resume normal life, but the Tianshan District and Shayibake District of Urumqi City were notified that they could not leave the community. Because of the high-risk areas (Note: 99% of these two areas are Uyghur residential, medical, living, working, and operating areas).

In these 46 days, everyone in the Uyghur ethnic group in the city has done 8-13 nucleic acid tests {(throat swabs are repeatedly taken each time, taken from both sides) experts explained this way}, notice: the day of the test You can’t eat breakfast or drink water, and some communities can’t even brush your teeth.

From June 12 to June 22 at 0:00, a total of 2.948 million samples were collected in Beijing within 10 days, and 2.342 million have been tested. The population in high-risk areas must do it, and only one nucleic acid test can pass. why? Expert explanation: Our current screening technology and speed have been gradually improved, and there is no need to do secondary testing.

2020123日,武汉在宣布封城之后,时 隔三个月后,武汉市做出硬核行动,对全城1100万个人口进行全员大规模新冠 状病毒核酸检测筛查每个人只做一次核酸检测。每天监测 量100万,10天限期全部检测完毕。查出了300名无症状感染者。病毒来源用 科学来解释。

2020716日晚上开始全乌鲁木齐市开始 封闭了,门都不能出。91日新闻上说了,全疆都开始恢复 正常生活,但乌鲁木齐市天山区和沙依巴克区被通知不能出小区。因为高危险区域(注:这两个区域99%都是维吾尔族人住宅,医疗, 生活,工作,经营开店的区域)。

46天之内全城维吾尔族每个人都做 了8-13次的核酸检测{(每次都是反复做咽喉拭子取 样,两侧都取)专家就这样解释的},通知:检测当天早饭不能吃, 不能喝水,有些小区甚至刷牙都不行,

612日到6220时,10天内北京市共采集样本294.8万人,已经检测结果的是234.2万人。有高风险区域的人口必 须而且做了,只做了一次核酸检测就可以通过了。为什 么?专家解释:我们现在的筛查技术和速度已经逐步完善,不必要做二次检测。



News Update: Sep 4, 2020

BREAKING (just came): After the total lockdown was lifted in Uyghurland 3 days, some Uyghur youths were taken from home to nearby forced-labor factories, including a sugar company, in Kashgar, owned by Han people came from China’s provinces. Those Han owners bribe the Han officials of the local government & live like a king.


BREAKING: Officials in a working unit in Urumchi told their employees to prepare 2-month worth of foods for another lockdown coming next month. Friends of some local officials in Ili City were also told the same privately. CCP is not doing virus-related lockdown in Uyghurland; they are commting evil crimes while all people are locked down in their homes in whole Uyghurland. During the last lockdown ended 3 days ago, CCP forced all Uyghurs to drink 6 kinds of unknown substances twice a day; forced 20,000+ Uyghurs to undergo phase-3 vaccine trial, including injection with #CCPvirus; destroyed all crops in Uyghur farmlands, including vegetables/fruits, leaving the Uyghur farmers with no foods to eat & with no incomes to survive. What is coming next? As we can see, the #CCPvirus-related “measures” taken/to be taken by CCP are also aimed at killing as many Uyghurs as possible. Unfortunately, there is no single organization in the world who has asked the CCP “what is going on?” so far. Aren’t these proofs of some kind of evil crimes?


CCP is killing the Uyghurs in mass numbers in prisons/camps/, & aloso in their homes by doing an all-Uyghurland lockdown for no reason & forcing all Uyghurs to drink some unknown substances. The world does not have the solid proofs of such killings because CCP hides, lies & controls all Uyghur & Uyghurland-related info. Half of the Uyghurs might be gone when the proofs come about in a couple of years. China is the best in getting rid of the evidences of its crimes. Should the world just wait & see the Uyghurs disappear?

Pls look at the following report: A Han worker tried to take several pictures of a flag-raising ceremony near Urumchi & got arrested for that, & was told no body is allowed to take any picture anywhere in Uyghurland. How the world can get any “solid proofs” on Uyghurs’ mass-murdering in such a case?

CCP is currently mass murdering the Uyghurs by all means possible because they don’t need the Uyghurs & they “don’t consider the Uyghurs as humans”—Please read this:



The concentration camps in Uyghurland were not designed to keep the detainees alive; they are designed to kill them in a mass but distributed way. All camp survivors who have testified so far made that point, but the world is only hearing what they want to hear, ignoring the reality on the ground. For CCP killing several million Uyghurs is very easy now.


News Update: Sep 2, 2020


This article from 2018 has some valuable contents about why the CCP is trying to get rid of the Uyghurs, why now. The western media only now & only some of the time is using the term “Final Solution” to describe the Uyghur genocide:


Video: This young Uyghur man says he is talking from inside China. If true, he is in great danger. In the video, he tells some of his sufferings in China.

He made a video in Uyghur language also:

In Uyghur:


New Info on “Chinese medicines” all Uyghurs were forced to drink: I learned a total of 7 “medicines” were used during the 6-week lockdown ended on Sep 1. Only one (莲花清瘟) has name/label but others don’t. Still no info what other 6 are. Chen Pokung (next part, video 11:10-17:00) says the labeled medicine has something to do with high-level officials corruption: Current “Xinjiang” CCP secretary Chen Quan-guo is making tons of money in this process by helping the owner of the company making 莲 花清瘟. But now the biggest problem is: What other 6 “medicines” actually are. All the Uyghurs in Uyghurland were forced to take them, & we don’t know what fates are waiting for them.

Also, according to Chen Pokong, Singapore found 莲 花清瘟 does not have the claimed effects, & Swedish government issued an order to stop importing this medicine, saying it not only does not cure diseases but also is harmful to human body.


Breaking New Info from Uyghurland: As of Sep 3, none of the concentration camps in Industrial Park (Urumchi) was closed. Many detainees got infected with #CCPvirus & were removed from the original camps. Their whereabouts are not known.


I wish there is an international punishment for national government’s lies. One of my professional friends has located 400 – 500 concentration camps on Google map & estimated their total capacities: They can hold 3+ million people. Not many have been released, but CCP is still detaining new Uyghurs. We lost 6+ million already.


The lies coming from the CCP have reached to a shameful level that has rarely been seen in human history. If the CCP regime allows an international fact-finding to go to Uyghurland & to count the current Uyghur population, I suspect they will find the population of still living Uyghurs is less than 10 million. It was 18+ million before 2017:


Please join us for the online launch of ‘The War on the #Uyghurs’ by @robertsreport.


BREAKING: Uyghurland did not have 2nd wave of #CCPvirus outbreak; CCP locked down the entire Uyghurland, carried out their vaccine’s Phase-3 trial on 20,325 isolated Uyghurs for 6 weeks, & now started to release some of those 20,325 people to their homes.

Photos: I was told this is how the “Chinese medicines” the Uyghurs in East Turkestan have been forced drink twice a day are made.


Video: Another example of what I told to @cjwerleman: CCP is eliminating the Uyghur people but is keeping their culture. This group of Han Chinese musicians are performing Uyghur music: Tashway. Please watch the next 2 parts of this thread also.



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