Twitter Postings


(Last Updated on 31 October 2021)


News Update: Oct 31, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

BREAKING: The #Uyghurs in many places of #Uyghurland (East Turkistan) have been in lockdown state for some time now, & no food to eat, no water to drink & no coal to heat their homes. Some voice messages I got today say that they may die of starvation instead of #CCPvirus. #SaveUyghurs, Stop #UyghurGenocide, No #Beijing2022WinterOlympicGames


News Update: Oct 30, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: This is one of the traditional #Uyghur dances existed in #EastTurkistan/#Uyghurland before 2017. The #CCPrulers are now in the process of elimination this people by total eradication and genocide. #SaveUyghurs, Stop #UyghurGenocide, No #Beijing2022WinterOlympicGames


Video: Human rights activists from around the world protested against the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in a format that raised awareness of the Uyghur genocide. #Uyghurs #Uyghur #StopChina #StopUyghurGenocide #FreeUyghurs # DoğuTürkistan #UyghurTribunal #UyghurVideo


News Update: Oct 29, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: Seems this house was demolished when the Uyghurs living in it had nowhere to go. #SaveUyghurs, Stop #UyghurGenocide, No #Beijing2022WinterOlympicGames


News Update: Oct 27, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: #CCPrulers are demolishing all of the traditional #Uyghur homes, & at the same time building traditional Han houses on the same locations. I believe they have evil intentions in doing so, such as they will say after several decades that the #Uyghurs have never lived in #Uyghurland (East Turkistan, “Xinjiang”). #SaveUyghurs, Stop #UyghurGenocide, No #Beijing2022WinterOlympicGames


Video: All the #Uyghur houses standing on this land until recently have gone, erased just as the Uyghur people are being erased. #SaveUyghurs, Stop #UyghurGenocide, No #Beijing2022WinterOlympicGames


News Update: Oct 26, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: The trucks are waiting in line to a distance of many Km long to take the #coal of #EastTurkistan or #Uyghurland to other parts of China. It is a display of the current energy crisis in #China. The #Uyghurs in Uyghurland have never benefited from their own natural resources for many decades, & when they did they got far less than 1%. Western Uyghur experts can confirm this.


Video: #CCPrulers continue demolishing all of the #Uyghur tranditional housing structures in #Uyghurland, as part of their operations of total eradication & genocide being carried out on the #Uyghurs. #SaveUyghurs Stop #UyghurGenocide #No2022BeijingOlympic


News Update: Oct 24, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

#Xitler killed more people in a short 5-year period, including 1+ million #Uyghurs in #Uyghurland, than Saddam Hussein did, & China currently has much much more in number & much more dangerous weapons of mass destruction than Iraq did then, but look at the difference in attitudes the governments of the majority countries are showing now.

I now wonder: Can the future generations believe that this world has/had a system of justice & common moral standard?


News Update: Oct 23, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)


If we assume the whole Uyghur people  as the boy of one human, the #CCPrulers have cut off the head of that human, and also left the small portion of the body of that human also. The evidences of that have never stopped to come out. If the international body investigates what has happened in East Turkistand, they may find that what has happened to the #Uyghurs is worse than Holocaust.


#CCPrulers collected the #DNA & other bio-information of all the #Uyghurs in East Turkistan (“Xinjiang”) starting 2014, for the reason mentioned below by Dr. @GordonGChang. It is possible that they have already developed such a bio-weapon that kills Uyghurs only but not others:



Thank you very much, Enes Kanter @EnesKanter, & all others who care about the #Uyghurs, justice and humanity! #SaveUyghurs Stop #UyghurGenocide


News Update: Oct 13, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: The Han man is saying: The population of this Tumshuq City in #Uyghurland is used to 99% #Uyghurs in the past, but now one can hardly find any Uyghur. This situation is very common in all Uyghur cities now. The world is still debating if what the #CCPrulers’ did to the Uyghurs can be called “genocide” or not, even though in my estimate 50%+ Uyghurs have disappeared from the open society in Uyghurland now.

Video: Han “guests” forced upon an Uyghur family. #SaveUyghurs Stop #UyghurGenocide


News Update: Oct 12, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

BREAKING (just got): #CCPrulers have killed large number of #Uyghurs, especially Uyghur males 40 years old or older in every opportunity using so-called “Chinese medicines” that are allegedly prevent people from getting #CCPvirus. The same process has just started again in all locations of #Uyghurland.

In most cases the “Chinese medicines” were made locally in people’s backyards. The substances might include more than herbs—large number of Uyghurs are now mysteriously dying at homes, at work, or at hospitals. #CCPrulers’ goal is to kill the 1/3 of 20M Uyghurs in prisons/camps, & other 1/3 in forced-labor factories & in other places, & they are making very good progress. The international community has not conducted single investigation in the past 5 years that in which #CCPrulers carried out #UyghurGenocide in Uyghurland (East Turkistan).


Thank you very much, Miss @RepYoungKim, for your concern on the current conditions of the #Uyghurs, both inside/outside #Uyghurland. In my understanding the current international trend is the world waits until #CCPrulers totally eradicate the Uyghurs.


News Update: Oct 11, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

BREAKING (just came): Large number of 5th – 8th grade #Uyghur students are being lost everyday in all large cities in #Uyghurland now, possibly taken by Han living organ traders coming from the other parts of China—Any Han person can do anything to any Uyghur now. It has been ~5 years since #CCPrulers’ total eradication process started. How long more the Uyghurs can survice? The world has become deaf/blind when it came to the #UyghurGenocide. Looks like the Uyghurs will disappear like this without seeing any meaningful action from the outside world or international community.

I don’t know if one still can call this a “civilized world”. At least, one cannot find “civilization” in this world’s justice & humanitarian systems. One can only find that the Chinese money dominates/dictates everything, including this world’s justice & humanitarian systems. #SaveUyghurs Stop #UyghurGenocide

I & many other Uyghurs have been providing the outside world with 1st-hand info, but most say the info cannot be verified. #CCPrulers are hiding/destroying evidences, executing  informants whenever found (I have lost all of my informants recently), & not allowing western reporters/observers/researchers/officials to visit #Uyghurland. How you verify? What we should do? Up to 70% Uyghurs disappeared in Kashgar/Hotan, Uyghurland now is becoming “No Uyghur land”, yet no single international investigation has been conducted in the past 5 years. How outside world learns the current state of Uyghurland (East Turkistan)?



News Update: Oct 7, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

My info obtained from a high-level official in #China’s central government through a middle-person tells us: #Xitler decided in 2014 that among 20 million #Uyhgurs, kill 1/3 (prisons/concentration camps in #Uyghurland & Han provinces), lockup 1/3 (forced-labor factories), & convert 1/3 to people of Middle Ages (automatons, day-labor farmers). Significant portion of this goal has already been achieved—See what is left in Uyghurland. The supply of “Halal organ sales” comes from the 1st group or the first 1/3 of the Uyghurs above. @cjwerleman’s excellent work (above) sheds some light on this, & I hope everyone take a look at it. The west works with evidences, so the #CCPrulers hide/destroy evidences using all state-power available & don’t allow western reporters/investigators/observers/visitors to go to Uyghurland. I believe it is time for the west to change their reporting standards on China—for the west to end this “unbalanced warfare”. Otherwise a whole people can easily perish on the CCPrulers hand in a very short period of time, like us, the Uyghurs.



News Update: Oct 5, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: If you know Chinese, please watch the following video from 15:00. It describes what the #CCPrulers did to the #Uyghurs in more detail, including that Jiang & his fellows detained 900,000 Uyghurs in just one year—I think in 2018.

One can learn more by reading the following article in combination with the above CNN interview. CNN conducted 3+ hours interview with Jiang XXX. Can someone tell us where we can find that full, English video?


News Update: Oct 4, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: A scene from Oct 1st Paris demo condemning China for its 72 years occupation of East Turkistan & #CCPrulers’ 72 years  oppression/assimilation/eradication of the #Uyghurs & the other indigenous peoples living in their own lands before the #CCP’s take over in 1949.


BREAKING: This video tells us that Ili Prefecture of #Uyghurland were totally locked down a few days ago due to #CCPvirus spread. An extreme level of hardship had started to all the #Uyghurs, including farmers, there. I haven’t got any info on the situation of the other parts of Uyghurland. #SaveUyghurs Stop #UyghurGenocide  


News Update: Oct 2, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: What the #CCPrulers are planning to do with an Uyghur children army as in this example? China had a program to develop good-looking Uyghur girls & boys at international spies, but this is the 1st time for me to see Uyghur children army member. #SaveUyghurs Stop #UyghurGenocide


News Update: Oct 1, 2021 (Erkin Sidick)

Oct 1—A day of mourning for #Uyghurs & many other peoples. #CCPrulers said when #CCP army invaded #Uyghurland in 1949 that they “will set the orders & leave in 3 years”. See what has happened. They didn’t leave, instead, took our land, & locked up 1/3 & murdering our people—They are planning to kill 1/3 of the Uyghurs. #CCP is promoting an “Union of Common-Fate Humans”, in reality, it is going to be “A common hell for all humanity”, if the CCP is not stopped. Helping the Uyghurs today is equivalent to helping yourselves tomorrow. So, please help the Uyghurs, help yourselves.

Video: Kids of the enslaved Uyghurs in Uyghurland singing/speaking in Chinese pledging allegiance to CCP.


Video: In most places, the #Uyghur dancers in Uyghurland have been replaced by Han Chinese. Uyghurs are not allowed learn or perform their own traditional dances; only allowed/forced to do Han dances.This is the current fate of the still-living Uyghurs in Uyghurland.


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