Twitter Postings


(Last Updated on Apr 16, 2022)


News Update: Jan 29, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: Just happened in Tiananmen SquareBeijing: “Charge, charge, charge for motherland; go all out not to disappoint Chinese people; risk our lives to pay back our great leader; never give up & always try to get championship; face our future following our General Secretary”

#China has condemned the governments of many country, saying they “politicized Olympic Games”. Now see for yourselves who is doing that.


News Update: Jan 27, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Thank you very much, @RLAnalytica, for providing us this valuable opportunity & for supporting justice/humanity for all!


Video: Feb 1 is Han Chinese “Spring Festival”. #CCP evil empire has forced the #Uyghurs in #EastTurkistan to perform Han dances everywhere, far more than Han Chinese themselves. There is no single Uyghur dance. There is no any sign of Uyghul culture. “Uyghuness” has almost lost.


News Update: Jan 26, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

The governments of many countries have been silent on #China’s #UyghurGenocide, but they shouldn’t be doing the same on the destruction of their civil systems being caused by #CCP evil empire:  


The #Uyghurs in #EastTurkistan have been suffering the same since last Sep because of the #BeijingGenocideGames. All of my informants have disappeared since then, & the general Uyghur public in big cities been receiving propaganda trainings on how to deceive foreign visitors.


News Update: Jan 25, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Retired US army colonel L B Wilkerson (Google it) said in 2018 that “there are 20 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang”. On 21 Jan 2022, China’s FM spokesman said the #Uyghur population was 11.62M last year. I hope the concerned parties ask themselves: What happened to the remaining 8+ million Uyghurs?



#CCPrulers have been using #Uyghurs for this kind of “brain control” experiments, also for bio-weapon experiments, #CCPvirus vaccine development experiments, & for “halal organ harvesting” for rich Arab/Muslim leaders. #ChinaExposed #SaveUyghurs


My middle/high school Uyghur literature teacher, Ahat Aman, died in a concentration camp in #EastTurkistan in 2018 at the age of 78. #ChinaExposed #SaveUyghurs


News Update: Jan 22, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: #Uyghur female farmers in #EastTurkistan.  Where are the Uyghur men? Why these Uyghurs still live like in the Middle Age? Where are the machinery of the country having the second largest economy in the world?


News Update: Jan 21, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: Feb 1 is Han Chinese Spring Festival. #The #Uyghur traditional festivals are forbidden by #CCPrulers in #EastTurkistan, but all the Uyghurs are forced to celebrate the “Spring Festival”, conducting Han performance many times more than Han Chinese themselves. This is an example.

#SaveUyghurs #ChinaExposed


Video: All the elements of #Uyghur culture has been forbidden by the #CCPrulers for #Uyghurs in #EastTurkistan, but all the Uyghurs are forced to display & live in Han Chinese culture in 2022 Chinese Spring Festival. Here are some examples. #SaveUyghurs #ChinaExposed


Video: Examples of mental tortures the #Uyghurs in #EastTurkistan are receiving in 2022 Chinese Spring Festival season. They are singing Chinese red-songs created during 1965 – 1975 “Cultural Revolution” praising Chairman Mao & CCP. #SaveUyghurs #ChinaExposed


Video: A scene of Uyghur detainees in a concentration camp.


Video: Most people in the current world don’t understand how painful it is for the #Uyghurs to watch the scenes here. After all that genocide carried against #Uyghurs & possibly murduring 5+ Uyghurs, the #CCPrulers are forcing still-alive Uyghurs to host Han Chinese in their own home during 2022 Chinese Spring Festival seaon.


Because showing sad faces or crying in public is also a "crime" for the Uyghurs; if they show sad face or cry, they will go to concentration camp--This is the current reality in East Turkistan.


News Update: Jan 20, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: Part of the “Made In China” products were/are actually made by #Uyghur slaves like in this video. Please pay attention to their number. Where are their husbands & kids? They work/live like robots. Does your moral standard allow this to happen? Does your moral standard allow silence about this? When using “Made In China”, please don’t forget part of them “Made by Uyghur Slaves”.

We have gathered the info of 14,000+ factories  owned by Han Chinese & use #Uyghurs as forced-labor workers in #EastTurkistan. They don’t include factories inside prisons/camps & Uyghur-worker factories in China’s proper. If each factory employs 100 Uyghurs, total number becomes 1.4+ million; if 200 Uyghurs, 2.8 million. Look at this one factory: How many forced-labor Uyghurs it is employing?


I hope the US & the governments of other countries do the same to non-functioning, #CCP-owned UN & @UNHumanRights:

House lawmakers introduced a bipartisan bill that would strip the International Olympics Committee of its tax exemption status.”


News Update: Jan 19, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: Seems to be a scene of #Uyghur forced-labor female workers when they are forced to take this break. We learned Uyghur slave-labor workers work more than 12 hours a day. This might be a way to achieve the desired productivity from such a long work hours—These workers have 0 right.


Thank you very much Mr @Eurofractie for your courage in promoting justice & humanity for all! This should has been done by all decent people in the world long ago--The #Uyghurs are now very near to be totally eradicated by #Xitler, by #CCPrulers he leads, and by #CCP evil empire.


It is very obvious that for #CCPrulers & their evil empire, exposing their evil crimes against humanity & opposing their #UyghurGenocide are all "against the Olympic spirit": #ChinaExposed


News Update: Jan 18, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: More than a million #Uyghur kids were separated from their parents by #CCPrulers, & many million Uyghurs lost their kids due to #UyghurGenocide. How the parents & the kids are taking it? Here is an example. @UNHumanRights, @USUN, @Europarl_EN, @EUCouncil, @coe, @StateDept, please intervene to save the remaining Uyghur population. Thank you!


Mr @chamath & other same kind of people, please watch this video & tell the world afterwards what you now think about the #UyghurGenocide. Still "don't care"? Then question your basic human decency. @cjwerleman @warriors


News Update: Jan 16, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: A scene of “mass forced weddings” in which Uyghur girls were forced to marry Han Chinese men. Most unmarried Uyghur girls are to save either themselves—For them this is the only way to get a job & not end up in jails/camps/forced-labor factories—or save their parents—If they say “No” for such forced marriages, both these girls & their parents go to concentration camps or jails. This is another dimension of #UyghurGenocide not mentioned much in western media.

Forgot to mention: The CCPrulers have also defined a crime punishable with jail or concentration camp terms: For Uyghurs to cry in public for family sufferings with any cause. I think everyone agrees that this is not a humanly treatment—The God created humans such that they smile/lough when they are happy & cry when they are sad/mourning. But the #Uyghurs don’t have that right.

I just learned the #CCPrulers are now very busy removing/destroying the evidences of #UyghurGenocide in #EastTurkistan.


News Update: Jan 15, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: Example of #Uyghur kids that have been converted to Han Chinese by human engineering. The #CCP evil empire is making the Uyghurs disappear from the surface of this Earth either like this or by distributed mass murders. @UNHumanRights, @USUN, @Europarl_EN, @EUCouncil, @coe, @StateDept, please intervene to save the remaining Uyghur population. Thank you!

Here is an example of amateur Uyghur kids dancing a traditional Uyghur dance in an public event. The Uyghurs have been contributing greatly to linguistic/biological/cultural diversities of the world. Please help save the remaining or still-alive Uyghur population in #EastTurkistan!


News Update: Jan 14, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video (in Chinese): #Xitler moved Peng Jingtan as HK police chief. When Peng was in charge of so-called “armed police” (in reality, it can be part of PLA’s 11th-Division) in #EastTurkistan (ET), one police team (总队) he led was awarded by Xitler himself. That team carried out 31 “anti-terrorist” operations, & murdered 91 Uyghurs. For Peng, all the #Uyghurs has been “terrorists”& he killed countless Uyghurs. Now Xitler may change HK into 2nd “Xinjiang” by moving Peng there.

Chinese 总队 is equivalent to a Chinese military that has ~120 solders. Chinese “armed police”in ET has 70,000 – 80,000 members. If 120 police members murdered 90 Uyghurs, 80K police might have murdered 60,000 Uyghurs. The above police force numbers came from Mr Wu in the above video.


News Update: Jan 13, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

BREAKING (just learned): #CCPrulers have recently transferred large number of #Uyghurs from concentration camps to a world’s longest water tunnel project: A tunnel to divert water from Altai Mountains to #EastTurkistan desert.

@UNHumanRights, @USUN, @Europarl_EN, @EUCouncil, @coe, @StateDept, please intervene to save the remaining Uyghur population. Thank you!


News Update: Jan 10, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

I hope the international community stops this madness soon. If the current UN stays dysfunctional as it is now, the world should abandon the current UN and establish something new that works. Thank you @MiddleEastEye for your support!


The acts taken by the governments of Muslim & Turkic countries in relation to the #Uyghurs & #EastTurkistan have been a big disappointment:


Video: About a million #Uyghur kids lost their parents because the kids were locked up in #CCP-run detention centers, other kids (don’t know how many millions) lost their parents because their parents were locked up in jails/camps/forced-labor factories.

@UNHumanRights, @USUN, @Europarl_EN, @EUCouncil, @coe, @StateDept, please intervene to save the remaining Uyghur population. Thank you!




News Update: Jan 9, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: #Uyghur kids in a CCP-run children detention center, taken out for shopping. The info came with the video says: They are students in Kashgar City No. 19 Elementary-Middle School, & authorities arrange students to do such shopping once a year (meaning they are locked at all other times); they can see parents once in each month.


Video: Forced-labor #Uyghur girls, being trained as waitresses for a Han-owned restaurant. The video seems to be fairly new, but no info was provided on the location.

@UNHumanRights, @USUN, @Europarl_EN, @EUCouncil, @coe, @StateDept, please intervene to save the remaining Uyghur population. Thank you!


Video: #CCPrulers continue demolishing the traditional #Uyghur houses in #EastTurkistan.

@UNHumanRights, @USUN, @Europarl_EN, @EUCouncil, @coe, @StateDept, @EnesFreedom @robert_spalding @Jkylebass @mikepompeo @SecBlinken @MiddleEastEye

please intervene to save the remaining Uyghur population.


News Update: Jan 8, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video (in Chinese): The 2.5 years old Han Chinese girl in this video died in a hospital in Kuchar County of #EastTurkistan, bcs the doctors refused to treat her before getting the #CCPvirus test result. #CCPrulers are now letting large number of people die across the country using #CCPvirus as an excuse. Then what is happening to several million Uyghurs in China’s jails/death-camps?


Video: This #Uyghur man is 109 years old now & is telling the secret of his living style. I read a “People’s Daily” (Chinese version) report in early 1990s which said that more than 80% of the people in China who lived 100+ years are #Uyghurs. The Uyghurs have been contributing to the cultural/biological/linguistic diversities of the world for several thousand years. Please help #SaveUyghurs.


Video: Aimadoula Waili and his friend Nurmemet Rosi are currently being detained in the Buraiman prison in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Please help not to deport them back to China. Thank you!



News Update: Jan 7, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

#CCPrulers came with bad intention of eradicating the Uyghurs when they invaded/colonized #EastTurkistan (ET) in 1949. That intention was intensified to a record level when they started building death-camps in mass-scale in 2014. Now it is becoming clear that CCPrulers planned to eliminate 8+ million Uyghurs in jails/death-camps. #CCPvirus might be helping them to increase that number. Cultural genocide changes to physical genocide at times of financial crisis. CCPrulers have never had an intention to keep the Uyghurs in jails/death-camps alive, especially not for 5 – 8 years. I believe unimaginable level of loss/damage has been done to the Uyghurs already. Now CCPrulers started to face a financial crisis, so what will happen to the Uyghurs who are still alive in jails/death-camps?

@UNHumanRights, @USUN, @Europarl_EN, @EUCouncil, @coe, @StateDept, please intervene to save the remaining Uyghur population. Thank you!


Video: An #Uyghur released from a death-camp in #EastTurkistan. The Uyghurs arrested & put in jails/death-camps sice 2014 have mostly been disappeared. The few released came out in a condition like in this video.

@UNHumanRights, @USUN, @Europarl_EN, @EUCouncil, @coe, @StateDept, please intervene to save the remaining Uyghur population. Thank you!


News Update: Jan 6, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: The #Uyghur female workers are processing human hairs in #EastTurkistan, the hairs that have possibly been taken from Uyghurs in jails/death-camps. UN, EU, US & international communities, please intervene, stop #CCPrulers' #UyghurGenocide & save the remaining #Uyghur population. Thank you!


News Update: Jan 5, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Thank you very much, Royce White @Highway_30, for this valuable program and for your support for justice and humanity of all! Christians, Jews, Muslims & others in the world, please intervene, stop #CCPrulers' #UyghurGenocide & save the remaining #Uyghurs. Thank you!




News Update: Jan 4, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

BREAKING: According to the following report, 50,000 – 250,000 Uyghurs are now murdered by #CCPrulers per day. I appeal to @UN, @US, @EU & the international community to stop the #CCP & send observers/investigators to #EastTurkistan to #SaveUyghurs. Thank you!

Excerpts from Bitter Winter report: Xinjiang’s Killing Fields: A Uyghur Scholar Who Survived Speaks (4 Jan 2022):

1.       Hidden between high mountains, supposedly 100,000 prisoners are locked up just east of the Xinjiang’s capital, Urumqi.

2.       The man is witness to countless murders of his people.

3.       At the time Chinese officials were ordering all Uyghurs to apply for a passport.

4.       Simultaneously, they sentenced thousands who had not traveled abroad despite their passports, …, 20 years or life imprisonment.

5.       The government closed the border in 2017. We could no longer leave the country.

6.       With our feet and hands handcuffed like criminals, they interrogated both of us non-stop for days in different places.

7.       The fact that the cadres did not kill us all at once probably had something to do with the logistics involved in mass killings. They are simply not able to dispose of millions of corpses all at once.

8.       The candidates they choose to die are ordered out of the cell. ‘Go to your medical checkup!’

9.       The guards bring them back a few hours later or that same evening, completely limp, half unconscious, and barely able to speak. Some were still able to spit out that they had received a shot. ‘They’re killing us with it…’

10.   When they were picked up, they were regular persons who could still walk. When they came back from these ‘medical checkups,’ usually two or three hours later, their eyes rolled back into their head, and they gasped for air one last time. They must have been right about it being a lethal injection because we couldn’t see any signs of torture.

11.   Every day they called 5 or 6 people out of the cell. Some of them were brought back after their interrogation. Sometimes only one came back, and sometimes none of them. We never heard another word about the ones that ‘disappeared.’

12.   Meanwhile the guards filled the resulting vacancies with new arrivals or exchanged six prisoners for inmates from other cells, so that the total always remained the same. This way no one could say exactly how many people they had killed in the end.


·         Total estimate by Erkin Sidick: If 3 million Uyghurs are in jails/camps at present, has 60 Uyghurs per cell, & one Uyghur is murdered per day per cell, a total of 50,000 Uyghurs are going to die each day. If 5 Uyghurs are murdered per day in each cell, 250,000 Uyghurs die each day.

·         The above estimate does not include the Uyghurs who are killed/die in forced-labor factories and outside jails/camps/factories.

·         In 2018, I used the info provided by a camp survivor, Mihrigul Tursun, and estimated that 132,000+ Uyghurs die in each 3 months period if only one million Uyghurs were in jails/camps.

·         How many more Uyghurs should be murdered by CCP before the international community takes real actions to stop the CCP rulers from killing Uyghurs, send observers/investigators to East Turkistan, & determine how much damages have already been done to the Uyghur nation & Uyghur people?

(By Erkin Sidick. 4 January 2022)

You don’t know the levels of #UyghurGenocide bcs #CCP didn’t allow visitors/reporters/students/investigators to go to #EastTurkistan. You don’t know bcs you haven’t been the lands & investigate. You shouldn’t make up arbitrary numbers to report bcs you haven’t investigate—You may not be qualified to quote any number bcs you haven’t learned the truth.

I don’t have evidences for the same reason—I haven’t been allowed to visit my homeland since 2009. I don’t have the direct proof bcs all the Uyghurs/Kazakhs who can send messages to the outside world have been locked up or already been murdered. Outside world needs to investigate, instead of making up numbers arbitrarily.

The witness of the Bitter Winter’s report says he was transported several kilometers inside a camp by car. That camp might be the one in the following video: 17Km x 9.5Km in size, built in Gansu Province next to #EastTurkistan in 2013-2017, & has a capacity of 300K – 1 million detainess. I started to talk about this camp since 2018, but no reporter has picked it up. The camp should be easily found in satellite images.

It is not clear to me on which year the Bitter Winter’s witness left the concentration camp. If it was 2019, it is possible that the #CCPrulers have already murdered 6 – 7 million Uyghurs & stopped killing 50,000+ Uyghurs per day. Also the fate of 2.1 million Uyghurs moved to Chinese proper is not clear.


News Update: Jan 3, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Video: #Uyghur kids who are deprived of parental patronage & family upbringing, and are being sent to party-run centers to be converted to Han Chinese by human-engineering. These kids are part of the #UyghurGenocide victims. Unfortunately, they are not old enough to realize the persecution!


Video: #CCPrulers use the direct-relatives of the Uyghurs in diaspora as hostages to control their acts abroad. This video is an example of such a process, in which #CCP police tries to control a female who is abroad by using her father as a hostage—The police is actually in her father’s house:


News Update: Jan 2, 2022 (Erkin Sidick)

Photo: Quran reciting competition organized by #CCP in the City of Konya, #Turkey. If there is one “2-faced people” in the world, it should be the #CCPrulers. I hope the Muslims & Turks wake up, & understand what they are up to; don’t support CCP while ignoring #UyghurGenocide.


Info from Dil Uyghuriye’s Facebook:

It's still January 2, my friend, Uyghur-German activist Gulzire Tashmemet & her husband received a bad news about the loss of their father, Abdushukur Hajim. See for yourself before being taken to camp & after. He died at the age of only 61. His wife & 26 years old daughter were given jail sentences of 19 years each, after being locked up for 3 years in concentration camps. Abdushukur’s physical & mental health was completely destroyed because of his wife’s & daughter’s fate & tortures he received in the camp. He left this world last December 17, but the information was only able to reach us on Dec 31. The Chinese state is a terrorist, colonialist & is carrying out genocide against the Uyghurs.



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